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  • MiamiPort live

    Dynamic live show from the Port of Miami, USA. It is the largest cruise port in the world and is often called the "Cruise Capital of the World" and "Cargo Port of the Americas." Miami has the most cruise line headquarters in the world, home to Carnival Cruise Line , Celebrity Cruises , Norwegian Cruise Line , Oceania Cruises and Royal Caribbean International . Enjoy the magnificent view of boat traffic, majestic cruise ships and busy cargo ships. You can also see the rhythmic flow of Florida East Coast Railway ( FEC ) intermodal rail traffic. Sources: Cruise Ships Live and Wikipedia .

  • Brazil: history, economy and attractions

    In this surprising and engaging video, Brazil is presented historically and unfolds in a fascinating narrative of tourist interest, in just over thirty minutes, in which the country's three capitals are presented over the years, major metropolises, economic highlights, attractions tourist attractions and a bit of gastronomy. The audio is in Spanish and there are subtitles in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Congratulations to Explora Planet (Mexico) for the high quality of the tourist work produced.

  • Switzerland 24 hours in Full HD

    Switzerland Panorama – 24/7 LIVE stream webcams Swiss Alps Source: Feratel - Your window to the world.

  • The innovative NanoseenX

    Although 70% of the world is covered in water, only 2.5% is fresh water, the rest is salt and ocean water. In fact, freshwater represents a very small portion of all waters and, furthermore, the fraction of freshwater available is even smaller than the reported percentage. In this challenging reality, of scarcity of drinking water, some countries (through organizations and Research Institutes) stand out in the development of technologies for seawater desalination, among them it is possible to highlight Singapore, Israel, the United States and Japan. However, the technologies developed so far generally use reverse osmosis, which consumes a lot of energy and pressure, with low efficiency and the cost of use is very high, which simply scares away many potential buyers. Faced with this complex scenario, Nanoseen emerged, with the innovative “NanoseenX” technology, the first in the world to filter seawater, through simple filtration, without using electrical energy, as it works with the support of gravity to filter salt water in nanomembranes ¹ , which retain impurities and salt in their pores and convert sea water into drinking water for human consumption. Nanoseen, developer of NanoseenX, is a Tri-City startup, founded in 2020, made up of scientists, engineers and sustainability enthusiasts, whose mission is to create, develop and deliver nanotechnology solutions. Its headquarters are situated in the Gdynia Science and Technology Park, Poland. It should be noted that NanoseenX does not cause environmental damage, as it does not emit carbon dioxide and its nanomembranes are biodegradable. It is important to note that the technology is designed to filter water from the Baltic Sea, where the salinity is not very high, but it is in the research and development process so that it can also be used in different types of water. According to Nanossen, a team of experts adjusts the composition of the membranes for a particular type of water, tests how long they can be used, and ultimately determines the device's life cycle. For example, for Baltic Sea water, it is a period of up to 200 days (about 1000 liters per day), including periods of regeneration. That's right, for a certain period of time it is possible to regenerate the membranes to increase their useful life. NanoseenX technology is the cheapest way to obtain water from the water desalination and purification process. The cost of obtaining this water is 0.0001 USD/liter. According to Bartosz Kruszka, Founder and Chairman of the Nanoseen Board, at the moment, commercial efforts are concentrated in Poland as well as in the Baltic Sea markets, including Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark and Germany and in 2023 started implementation of filtration systems on an industrial scale in the Philippines. As interest in NanoseenX technology is high, Kruszka envisions the expansion of NanoseenX to many places around the world in the future. note: ¹ Nanomaterials are substances with particle sizes ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. A nanometer is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth of a meter (0.000000001 m). Sources: KIEWLICZ, Robert Kiewlicz. . Wynalazek Nanoseen pomoże ratować świat przed brakiem wody. Available at < > Accessed on March 19, 2024. NANOSEEN. The Nanoseen . Available at: < > Accessed on: March 18, 2024. POMORSKI PRZEGLAD GOSPODARCZY. Rewolucyjne nanoinnowacje Gdyn i. Available at: < > Accessed on: March 19, 2024. WIKTOROWICZ, Michał ONET. Po raz pierwszy na świecie w ten sposób przefiltrowali morską wodę w słodką. Available at: <,30bc1058? fbclid=IwAR0-iyvXAXWJ0QFK7ZioUOLhySFeXzkHTUVzaBVwWnHTe5d1pEAa_Os__uE > Accessed on: March 18, 2024.

  • Incredible!

    Acrocndig to raresceh form an Eligsnh ursvintiey, it doesn't mttear waht oerdr the Ltteres of a wrod are in,the olny ipmroatnt tnihg is that the fsrit and lsat Ltteres are in the rhgit pcale. The rset can be a tatol mses, wihch you can stlil raed whtiuot a pbrolem. This is bacesue we do not raed ecah ialosetd ltteer, but the wrod as a wlohe. Fonte: Blogueiros de São Carlos. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17.março.2024

  • Power4Girls

    Registration will be open until April 10th to participate in the 4th edition of the Power4Girls Program - Empower to Lead! - an official initiative of the United States Embassy and Consulates in Brazil - whose implementation will be led by Instituto Glória and will have the support of organizations from the public and private sectors. Power4Girls is aimed at students aged 15 to 18 at federal and state technical/technological schools and non-profit technical schools throughout Brazil, who, in 2024, are studying up to the 2nd year of high school. The Program aims to provide innovative six-month training. It aims to train young people in various areas, such as entrepreneurship, strategic planning, innovation and social responsibility, preparing them for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. “The power to empower young girls to lead, innovate and create a sustainable future is the key to turning dreams into reality and challenges into opportunities” , emphasized by USA Ambassador to Brazil, Elizabeth Frawley Bagley. In this edition 20 teams will be selected, made up of four students and a volunteer teacher-advisor. Each team will be challenged to develop proposals with creative and innovative solutions, focusing on the principles of the circular economy, highlighting three Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle. The Power4Girls Program argues that it is necessary to develop sustainable alternatives focused on circular economic practices. This is because the dominant logic is the linear production system, which works with the production cycle, use and end as industrial waste, which generates excessive exploitation of natural resources and waste, with the large accumulation of unused waste, overloading the nature. For Power4Girls it is a valuable challenge to convert the disposal of non-biodegradable materials, such as washing machines, smartphones, televisions and other industrialized products, into the possibility of reuse and return to the production cycle. Power4Girls exemplifies this possibility through disassembly, optimization and reuse, or even use in another way, which would provide a huge benefit to society and the planet, with the adoption of the restorative economy and the regenerative economy. For more information and registration : Sources: United States Embassy and Consulates in Brazil. Available at: < > Accessed on March 16, 2024 . Power4Girls Program. Available at: < > Accessed on March 16, 2024.

  • Competitive advantage of AI in business

    “Often, businesses already have the data they need, but it remains buried across disparate databases, spreadsheets, systems, business units and even third parties. The challenge is consolidating that data in a controlled manner, which is where AI* comes in. The tools to consolidate data already exist, but AI has the potential to supercharge how useful they are and optimize business operations to an unprecedented level.” Christina Shim IBM’s Head of Sustainability Software Source: PYMNT. Small Enterprises Lean Into AI. March 08, 2024. *Artificial Intelligence

  • Denmark is recognized as the most protected country against corruption in the world, for the sixth consecutive year.

    On January 30, 2024, Transparency International published the 2023 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) . The Index ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption on a scale from zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (very fair), using data from 13 external sources, including the Bank World, World Economic Forum, private risk and consultancy companies, think tanks and others. Scores exclusively reflect the opinions of experts and businesspeople. CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX EXPLAINED | INTERNATIONAL TRANSPARENCY Denmark, with 90 points, leads the index for the sixth consecutive year, as the country with the least corruption in the world. Finland and New Zealand follow closely, with scores of 87 and 85, respectively. Due to well-functioning justice systems, these countries are also among the top scorers on the Rule of Law Index . But what explains such extraordinary and continuous performance? The Prof. Gert Tingaard Svendsen, author of the book Trust, which emphasizes social trust, provided an interview with Agência Brasil. According to the teacher. Svendsen “the country began to fight against corruption very early on, even during the process of building the Danish State. In 1660, King Frederick III began a process of recruiting civil servants based on their merits rather than their links to the aristocracy. At that time, the king established a channel for people to directly report any act of abuse of power to him.” Prof. Svendsen argues that there is a broad sense of “trust” among citizens. This favors economic development, as there is greater cooperation, trust in institutions, less bureaucracy and less need for investments in public security. Over the centuries, the country has maintained these meritocratic practices and, on the other hand, is not lenient with abuses of power, which has consolidated the basis of contemporary Danish principles and values. Denmark is an anti-corruption example in the world, but the challenges in many countries are still enormous, so that they can evolve towards better indicators. For Transparency International, the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index shows that most countries have made little or no progress in combating corruption in the public sector. The global CPI average remains unchanged at 43 points for the twelfth consecutive year, with more than two-thirds of countries scoring below 50, indicating serious corruption problems. According to Rule of Law Index , the world is experiencing a decline in the functioning of justice systems. As Transparency International points out, "countries with the lowest scores on this index are also scoring very low on the CPI, highlighting a clear connection between access to justice and corruption. Both authoritarian regimes and democratic leaders who undermine justice contribute to increased impunity for corruption and, in some cases, even encourage it, removing consequences for evildoers." Transparency International reports that it continues to lead the global fight against corruption. In the years leading up to 2030, he is dedicated to leading the global fight against corruption. "Holding Power to Account" is a global strategy for the years 2021-2030, from Transparency International against Corruption. In an integrated manner with independent and affiliated national chapters in more than 100 countries and by the international Secretariat – Transparency International aims to contribute to a more positive future; a world in which power is held accountable to act without deviation, so that countries can achieve much more for the common good. A GLOBAL STRATEGY AGAINST CORRUPTION 2021-2030 (ENGLISH) | INTERNATIONAL TRANSPARENCY Sources: INTERNATIONAL TRANSPARENCY. 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index: Weakening justice systems leave corruption unchecked . Available at: Accessed on 09.Feb.2024. INTERNATIONAL TRANSPARENCY. 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index . Available at: <> Accessed on 09.Feb.2024. TERRA NETWORKS BRAZIL. Denmark is considered the least corrupt country for the 3rd time. Available at: Accessed on 09.Feb.2024. WJP RULE OF LAW INDEX. The Global Rule of Law Recession Continues. Available at: Accessed on 15.fev.2024.

  • Solvatten Sterilizer

    What is Solvatten? Solvatten is a Swedish company that has a technology of the same name, which has been used with excellent results in communities in countries that live in precarious conditions. This is portable equipment that allows you to purify water from reservoirs and rivers at low cost. After its launch in 2010, many rural communities - especially in India and Africa - were able to access drinking water and save many lives by avoiding the consumption of contaminated water in their localities. How it works The device is a sterilizer activated by heat and UV rays, presented in a 10-liter plastic container. These are the same principles behind the SODIS method, which guides people to sterilize water used with clear plastic bottles. The Solvatten system has some differences in relation to the SODIS method and stands out for being “user-friendly”. Users know the water is ready to drink when they see a smiling face on the container's sensor. Solvatten makes water safe as it is heated up to 75°C/167°F. Water at this temperature has been freed from microorganisms and is perfect for a range of domestic and hygiene purposes, including cooking, washing hands, bathing and cleaning. Once the water has been purified, an indicator informs the user when the treatment process is complete – a sad, red face changes to a happy, green face, making it easier for even younger children to understand. As the water purification process raises its temperature significantly, it is recommended to leave the Solvatten container in the shade, as soon as the water is purified, so that it cools down and can be used. Who invented Solvatten Wadström Petra , the inventor of Solvatten, is a Swedish artist and did biochemical medical research at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm , Sweden. Petra had the idea that allowed the first Solvatten prototypes to be generated after observing the low use of sunlight. "My idea was to capture some of that energy," Petra stated in a training manual for using Solvatten . "After many years in product development and invaluable experiences - in Kenya and Nepal - Solvatten was born." Solvatten has had successful initiatives through partnerships in Kenya, Nepal, Sudan, Mali, Uganda and other countries. One of the experiences using Solvatten occurred in Kenya, a country where Solvatten established a partnership with Community Action for Nature Conservation (CANCO) . In early October, CANCO received 792 units of Solvatten to distribute to families in Kwale and Taita-Taveta counties on the Kenyan coast. The project is aimed, in particular, at women involved in artisanal fishing. The CANCO-Solvatten drinking water system is significantly benefiting vulnerable communities living in poverty without access to clean, safe water. According to Solvatten, more than a billion people live without access to clean water and electricity. In Kenya alone, 15 million people do not have access to clean water in their homes. This negatively impacts health, education, equality and the environment. Solvatten avoids using water directly from rivers and reservoirs, which can be a source of contamination. Drinking water improves living conditions and provides a way out of poverty. The lack of drinking water makes hygiene and health conditions precarious and is a daily challenge for millions of people living in poverty. Worldwide, 1 in 3 people live without reliable access to electricity and 1 in 8 people live without access to clean, safe water at home, according to Solvatten. Reduction in the burning of wood and coal Due to the lack of energy infrastructure in undeveloped countries, people use natural resources – such as wood and coal – as heat sources to heat water and cook. With the use of Solvatten in the domestic routine of poor communities, this burning is considerably reduced, contributing to the environment by reducing emissions and preserving trees. This generates safety, health protection and practicality in the daily lives of these communities. Price For Armen Miskovich, co-founder of Higher Mind, Solvatten's partner organization, the price of Solvatten per unit is US$200 to US$250. The price may not be attractive to some buyers, says Miskovich, but it reflects the cost of production, distribution and product support. To guarantee greater access to populations in need, there are experiences of selling Solvatten through humanitarian aid projects at a subsidized value of US$35 per unit. Benefits from using Solvatten Improves school attendance due to fewer sick days and reduced dependence on children for domestic activities, such as collecting firewood (SDG 4). Reducing the vulnerability of women and children, who are often responsible for collecting firewood from isolated forest areas. Time savings, allowing people to carry out more economically productive activities. Reducing some of the underlying factors that keep people in poverty. By improving health and productivity and saving money and time, people can quickly escape poverty. Improved hygiene and reduced malnutrition, especially among children. Solvatten directly combats water and hygiene-related illnesses like intestinal worms, and the heated water makes the transition from breast milk more manageable and less risky. Today, Solvatten is used in more than 40 countries around the world, benefiting more than 450,000 people. Sources: , Ressurgência Sites, Fundação Universitária ÍberoAmericana and Engineering for Change.

  • Eight terms about franchising

    SPAR: DUTCH FRANCHISE WITH MORE THAN 13 THOUSAND STORES IN 48 COUNTRIES Increasingly present in business and entrepreneurship schools, the topic of franchising arouses a lot of interest. As the sector grows, so does the production of its own language or the creation of terms that may not be clear to the general public. Here is a list of relevant thematic expressions and their meanings. 1. Franchisor : company that grants the franchise, holds the rights to the brand, method and business processes and selects its franchisees to represent it through the franchise. 2. Franchisee: whoever acquires the franchise, the owner of a franchised unit, who may be an individual or even a legal entity and whose mission is to operate the franchised business. 3. Franchise: is the business unit (establishment) operated and managed by the franchisee. 4. Franchise Fee: amount generally paid when granting the franchise, which refers to the right to be part of the network and access all the know-how developed by the franchisor, as well as use of the brand. It is linked to the start of the business and includes initial guidance and training so that the franchisee can be successful in establishing their unit. 5. Royalty fee: paid at a defined frequency (generally monthly) by the franchisee to the franchisor in return for continued access to know-how, benefits and use of the brand, as well as approved suppliers and support and training programs. Remuneration for services, in general, provided by the franchisor to the franchisee. 6. Marketing Fee: also known as Advertising Fee, it is charged to franchisees to form a fund to be managed by the franchisor (it can even count on the support of franchisees) for use in national, regional or local advertising campaigns. 7. COF – Franchise Offer Circular: very comprehensive legal document that functions as a type of notebook where various mandatory information from the franchisor is defined regarding the rights and obligations of each party. It must be delivered at least 10 days before signing any contract or pre-contract or even paying any system fee. 8. Franchise Agreement: legal document that must be part of the Franchise Offer Circular and that will govern the entire relationship between the franchisor and franchisees, determining all legal and commercial aspects of the business. The most important point, therefore, is to ask the person negotiating the acquisition of a franchise for clarification if there is not a complete understanding of the term used. The purchase and investment decision is too relevant to not be understood in its entirety. The franchise business has general commitments commonly applied, however it is important to pay attention to what is defined by the legislation of each country and to the specific contract that you intend to sign, taking the time necessary to analyze all aspects involved and decide accordingly. aware of all responsibilities involved and the prospects of the business. Source: Text adapted (2024) from RIBEIRO, Adir (Franchise Specialist). Exame Magazine (2012).

  • Treehouse

    Having a tree house seems exotic and difficult to achieve. There are technical restrictions and the cost is high. The budget for a suspended construction can be up to three times more expensive compared to the cost of a house built on the ground. Some trees do not meet the technical requirements, such as pine trees, coconut trees and (spongy) palm trees. It must also have a minimum diameter of 80 cm and be free from termites and infiltrations. The use of certified wood is necessary to guarantee nature protection. On the other hand, the idea of feeling the breeze of fresh air, hearing the birds singing, seeing the rising and setting sun, being high up... would be more than enough imagination to convert thought into realization for those who can. In Brazil, most projects meet the demands of people with high purchasing power, owners of farms and country houses predominantly located in the State of São Paulo. Casa na Árvore is a Brazilian company that operates in this segment. It uses reforestation wood with the FSC seal whenever possible and accepted by its customers. The company claims to have "200 years of experience", as the fifth generation of builders works exclusively with wooden constructions. An international reference on the subject, the French company La Cabane Perchee has already built more than 500 cabins in countries such as France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Austria, England, Germany, Denmark, the United States and Russia. For La Cabane Perchee “Each cabin is a unique piece, as it is the tree that welcomes us that decides its place. Protect the tree, never cut a large branch, arm the tree throughout our intervention so as not to damage it, this is our way of respecting the trees. So the cabin seems to have grown with the tree, they become one.” To give you an idea of the cost of a treehouse, the price offered by the companyCabaneo , located in Meyreuil, France, is €3,000/m² for a habitable cabin, not including VAT costs, which is a tax applied to goods and services in construction in Europe. The best thing is that it is possible to be in contact with nature, in a tree house, without having to make a large purchase investment, as there are several opportunities to enjoy as a renter. In Atlanta, Georgia, USA, there is an opportunity to rent a very nice tree house, the Tree House Atlanta - USA . The Tiny House style Tree House! Morretes - P R - Brazil has a privileged view of nature, installed at a height of 4 meters and is surrounded by palm trees and vegetation typical of the Atlantic Forest. The Treehouse in La Palmera, Costa Rica , is situated in the Bio Thermales natural resort organically integrated into a 35-acre tropical forest, equivalent to 141,640 m² . There are 15 natural pools of hot and fresh waters of various temperatures and trails in the tropical forest. According to the announcement, the hot springs are ancient “deep Earth” springs that bubble through the rainforest floor, laden with waters rich in minerals that have been on Earth for at least 10,000 years. The waters are rich in bicarbonates, calcium and magnesium, low in sulfur and slightly acidic – qualities shared by many of the world's best hot springs. Sources: HOUSE IN THE TREE.COM (report by Joyce Pascowitch - Modo de Vida_ N.08) CABANEO. Prix d'une cabane en bois sur mesure. Available at: < > Accessed on: 29.Feb.2024. LA CABANE PERCHEE. Available at: < > Accessed on: 29.Feb.2024.

  • The value of time

    To understand the value of a year: ask a student who didn't pass their final exams. To understand the value of a month: ask a mother who had a premature baby. To understand the value of a week: ask the editor of a weekly magazine. To understand the value of an hour: ask the lovers who are waiting for the moment to meet. To understand the value of a minute: ask a person who missed the train, bus or plane. To understand the value of a second: ask a person who won a silver medal at the Olympics. Time waits for no one. Cherish every moment of your life. You will appreciate them even more if you can share them with someone. Source: Unknown origin.

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