Having a tree house seems exotic and difficult to achieve. There are technical restrictions and the cost is high.
The budget for a suspended construction can be up to three times more expensive compared to the cost of a house built on the ground.
Some trees do not meet the technical requirements, such as pine trees, coconut trees and (spongy) palm trees. It must also have a minimum diameter of 80 cm and be free from termites and infiltrations. The use of certified wood is necessary to guarantee nature protection.
On the other hand, the idea of feeling the breeze of fresh air, hearing the birds singing, seeing the rising and setting sun, being high up... would be more than enough imagination to convert thought into realization for those who can.
In Brazil, most projects meet the demands of people with high purchasing power, owners of farms and country houses predominantly located in the State of São Paulo.
Casa na Árvore is a Brazilian company that operates in this segment. It uses reforestation wood with the FSC seal whenever possible and accepted by its customers. The company claims to have "200 years of experience", as the fifth generation of builders works exclusively with wooden constructions.
An international reference on the subject, the French company La Cabane Perchee has already built more than 500 cabins in countries such as France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Austria, England, Germany, Denmark, the United States and Russia. For La Cabane Perchee “Each cabin is a unique piece, as it is the tree that welcomes us that decides its place. Protect the tree, never cut a large branch, arm the tree throughout our intervention so as not to damage it, this is our way of respecting the trees. So the cabin seems to have grown with the tree, they become one.”
To give you an idea of the cost of a treehouse, the price offered by the companyCabaneo , located in Meyreuil, France, is €3,000/m² for a habitable cabin, not including VAT costs, which is a tax applied to goods and services in construction in Europe.
The best thing is that it is possible to be in contact with nature, in a tree house, without having to make a large purchase investment, as there are several opportunities to enjoy as a renter.
In Atlanta, Georgia, USA, there is an opportunity to rent a very nice tree house, the Tree House Atlanta - USA .
The Tiny House style Tree House! Morretes - P R - Brazil has a privileged view of nature, installed at a height of 4 meters and is surrounded by palm trees and vegetation typical of the Atlantic Forest.
The Treehouse in La Palmera, Costa Rica , is situated in the Bio Thermales natural resort organically integrated into a 35-acre tropical forest, equivalent to 141,640 m² . There are 15 natural pools of hot and fresh waters of various temperatures and trails in the tropical forest. According to the announcement, the hot springs are ancient “deep Earth” springs that bubble through the rainforest floor, laden with waters rich in minerals that have been on Earth for at least 10,000 years. The waters are rich in bicarbonates, calcium and magnesium, low in sulfur and slightly acidic – qualities shared by many of the world's best hot springs.
HOUSE IN THE TREE.COM (report by Joyce Pascowitch - Modo de Vida_ N.08)
CABANEO. Prix d'une cabane en bois sur mesure. Available at: < https://www.cabaneo.fr/budget/ > Accessed on: 29.Feb.2024.
LA CABANE PERCHEE. Available at: < https://www.la-cabane-perchee.com/ > Accessed on: 29.Feb.2024.