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Solvatten Sterilizer

What is Solvatten?

Solvatten is a Swedish company that has a technology of the same name, which has been used with excellent results in communities in countries that live in precarious conditions. This is portable equipment that allows you to purify water from reservoirs and rivers at low cost. After its launch in 2010, many rural communities - especially in India and Africa - were able to access drinking water and save many lives by avoiding the consumption of contaminated water in their localities.

How it works

The device is a sterilizer activated by heat and UV rays, presented in a 10-liter plastic container. These are the same principles behind the SODIS method, which guides people to sterilize water used with clear plastic bottles.

The Solvatten system has some differences in relation to the SODIS method and stands out for being “user-friendly”. Users know the water is ready to drink when they see a smiling face on the container's sensor.

Solvatten makes water safe as it is heated up to 75°C/167°F. Water at this temperature has been freed from microorganisms and is perfect for a range of domestic and hygiene purposes, including cooking, washing hands, bathing and cleaning. Once the water has been purified, an indicator informs the user when the treatment process is complete – a sad, red face changes to a happy, green face, making it easier for even younger children to understand. As the water purification process raises its temperature significantly, it is recommended to leave the Solvatten container in the shade, as soon as the water is purified, so that it cools down and can be used.

Who invented Solvatten

Wadström Petra , the inventor of Solvatten, is a Swedish artist and did biochemical medical research at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm , Sweden. Petra had the idea that allowed the first Solvatten prototypes to be generated after observing the low use of sunlight. "My idea was to capture some of that energy," Petra stated in a training manual for using Solvatten . "After many years in product development and invaluable experiences - in Kenya and Nepal - Solvatten was born."

Solvatten has had successful initiatives through partnerships in Kenya, Nepal, Sudan, Mali, Uganda and other countries.

One of the experiences using Solvatten occurred in Kenya, a country where Solvatten established a partnership with Community Action for Nature Conservation (CANCO) . In early October, CANCO received 792 units of Solvatten to distribute to families in Kwale and Taita-Taveta counties on the Kenyan coast. The project is aimed, in particular, at women involved in artisanal fishing. The CANCO-Solvatten drinking water system is significantly benefiting vulnerable communities living in poverty without access to clean, safe water.

According to Solvatten, more than a billion people live without access to clean water and electricity. In Kenya alone, 15 million people do not have access to clean water in their homes. This negatively impacts health, education, equality and the environment.

Solvatten avoids using water directly from rivers and reservoirs, which can be a source of contamination. Drinking water improves living conditions and provides a way out of poverty.

The lack of drinking water makes hygiene and health conditions precarious and is a daily challenge for millions of people living in poverty. Worldwide, 1 in 3 people live without reliable access to electricity and 1 in 8 people live without access to clean, safe water at home, according to Solvatten.

Reduction in the burning of wood and coal

Due to the lack of energy infrastructure in undeveloped countries, people use natural resources – such as wood and coal – as heat sources to heat water and cook. With the use of Solvatten in the domestic routine of poor communities, this burning is considerably reduced, contributing to the environment by reducing emissions and preserving trees. This generates safety, health protection and practicality in the daily lives of these communities.


For Armen Miskovich, co-founder of Higher Mind, Solvatten's partner organization, the price of Solvatten per unit is US$200 to US$250. The price may not be attractive to some buyers, says Miskovich, but it reflects the cost of production, distribution and product support. To guarantee greater access to populations in need, there are experiences of selling Solvatten through humanitarian aid projects at a subsidized value of US$35 per unit.

Benefits from using Solvatten

  • Improves school attendance due to fewer sick days and reduced dependence on children for domestic activities, such as collecting firewood (SDG 4).

  • Reducing the vulnerability of women and children, who are often responsible for collecting firewood from isolated forest areas.

  • Time savings, allowing people to carry out more economically productive activities.

  • Reducing some of the underlying factors that keep people in poverty. By improving health and productivity and saving money and time, people can quickly escape poverty.

  • Improved hygiene and reduced malnutrition, especially among children.

  • Solvatten directly combats water and hygiene-related illnesses like intestinal worms, and the heated water makes the transition from breast milk more manageable and less risky.

Today, Solvatten is used in more than 40 countries around the world, benefiting more than 450,000 people.

Sources: , Ressurgência Sites, Fundação Universitária ÍberoAmericana and Engineering for Change.


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