PISA, the International Program for Student Assessment, is a three-yearly, systematic, prospective and comparative assessment of international level, focused on the areas of Mathematics, Science and Language, for students between 15 years and three months of age and up to 16 years and two months of age. deity. Each cycle emphasizes one of the three areas mentioned, with the highlighted area of each cycle absorbing around 60% of the test questions and the other areas, 20% for each of them. The area with the greatest weight in the PISA 2022 assessments was mathematics.
PISA 2022 established an innovation in assessment, the creative thinking test. It focuses on the skills that 21st century students need as organizations and societies around the world rely on innovation and knowledge creation to meet emerging challenges.
The PISA creative thinking test examined students' abilities to generate diverse and original ideas and to evaluate and improve ideas, in various contexts or "domains". The assessment included four domains: written expression, visual expression, social problem solving and scientific problem solving. In each of these domains, students engaged with open-ended tasks that did not have a single correct answer. They were asked to provide multiple and distinct responses, or to generate a response that was unconventional. These responses could take the form of a solution to a problem, a creative text, or a visual artifact.
Stimulating creative thinking strengthens the ability to adapt in an increasingly complex and dynamic reality in which knowledge and the capacity for innovation can be decisive in finding solutions for a world in constant and rapid change.
The assessment is promoted by the OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. It is an intergovernmental entity that aims to promote the economic and social development of its members, the industrialized countries. It should be noted, however, that participation in PISA is not restricted to OECD members, as it also includes guest countries.
According to the Report “ PISA 2022 Results - The State of Learning and Equity in Education ", released in December/2023 by the OECD, the first report volume of a total of five report volumes presented , 690,000 students were assessed, representing 29 million students worldwide, from 81 countries and economies, in 2022. PISA is the first large-scale study to collect data on the performance, well-being and equity of students. students before and after the shutdowns and adversities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to the report, PISA 2022 is much more than educational excellence. It is also about equity in education, so that all students, regardless of background, can have a fair opportunity to reach their full potential. PISA is a powerful comparative source of international level in the educational area, which can greatly contribute to strengthening inclusive public educational policies for countries committed to developing good quality education, a fundamental step towards social transformation that allow for greater prosperity, labor and economic inclusion, as better-established basic education training is an important step towards generating future professionals who are better prepared to serve society in various areas of knowledge.
The report concluded that, despite challenging circumstances, 31 countries and economies have managed to at least maintain their performance in mathematics since PISA 2018. Among these, Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Switzerland have maintained or further increased their already high levels of achievement. performance of its students, with scores ranging from 487 to 575 points (OECD average 472). These countries presented converging aspects, such as a shorter school closure period, fewer obstacles to remote learning and continued support for students, from teachers and parents.

Many countries have also made significant progress towards universal secondary education, which is critical to enabling equality of opportunity and full participation in the economy. Among them, Cambodia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Morocco, Paraguay and Romania have rapidly expanded education to previously marginalized populations over the past decade.
Ten countries and economies recorded a large percentage of 15-year-olds with confirmed basic proficiency in math, reading and science with education that was highly equitable and provided high levels of socioeconomic justice: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Macau and the United Kingdom.
The OECD report also points out that, across OECD countries, around three-quarters of students reported being confident in using various technologies, including learning management systems, school learning platforms and video communication programs.
However, technology used for leisure rather than instruction, such as mobile phone technology, often appears to be associated with the worst outcomes. Students who reported that they are distracted by other students using digital devices in at least some math classes scored 15 points less than students who reported that this never or almost never happens.
Support from teachers is particularly important in times of instability, namely through the provision of additional services, pedagogical and motivational support to students, according to PISA 2022.
The systematic work of PISA, throughout its three-year applications, reinforces the resilience of educational systems in order to act from the perspective of growth in equal opportunities, which will certainly provide greater training and empowerment of young people to the success.
Countries that are engaged and have the political will to reserve the space and importance it deserves for education are certainly aware and certain that this is the path to generation and longevity from an economic and social development perspective.
CREATIVITYEXCHANGE. The PISA 2022 Creative Thinking Test . Bill Lucas explores the significance of the first global assessment of creative thinking. Available at < https://www.creativityexchange.org.uk/ideas-hub/the-pisa-2022-creative-thinking-test > Accessed on 22.Feb.2024.
FACTSMAPS. PISA 2022. Worldwide Ranking. Disponível em <https://factsmaps.com/pisa-2022-worldwide-ranking-average-score-of-mathematics-science-and-reading/> Acesso em 23.fev.2022.
OECD (2023), PISA 2022 Results (Volume I): The State of Learning and Equity in Education , PISA, OECD Publishing, Paris, Available at < https://doi.org/10.1787/53f23881-en > Accessed on 19.feb.2024.
WAISELFISZ, Julio Jacob. Science teaching in Brazil and PISA . Sangari from Brazil. 1st.Ed., 2009.