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Denmark is recognized as the most protected country against corruption in the world, for the sixth consecutive year.

Updated: Mar 5

On January 30, 2024, Transparency International published the 2023 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) . The Index ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption on a scale from zero (highly corrupt) to 100 (very fair), using data from 13 external sources, including the Bank World, World Economic Forum, private risk and consultancy companies, think tanks and others. Scores exclusively reflect the opinions of experts and businesspeople.


Denmark, with 90 points, leads the index for the sixth consecutive year, as the country with the least corruption in the world. Finland and New Zealand follow closely, with scores of 87 and 85, respectively. Due to well-functioning justice systems, these countries are also among the top scorers on the Rule of Law Index .

But what explains such extraordinary and continuous performance?

The Prof. Gert Tingaard Svendsen, author of the book Trust, which emphasizes social trust, provided an interview with Agência Brasil. According to the teacher. Svendsen “the country began to fight against corruption very early on, even during the process of building the Danish State. In 1660, King Frederick III began a process of recruiting civil servants based on their merits rather than their links to the aristocracy. At that time, the king established a channel for people to directly report any act of abuse of power to him.”

Prof. Svendsen argues that there is a broad sense of “trust” among citizens. This favors economic development, as there is greater cooperation, trust in institutions, less bureaucracy and less need for investments in public security.

Over the centuries, the country has maintained these meritocratic practices and, on the other hand, is not lenient with abuses of power, which has consolidated the basis of contemporary Danish principles and values.

Denmark is an anti-corruption example in the world, but the challenges in many countries are still enormous, so that they can evolve towards better indicators.

For Transparency International, the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index shows that most countries have made little or no progress in combating corruption in the public sector. The global CPI average remains unchanged at 43 points for the twelfth consecutive year, with more than two-thirds of countries scoring below 50, indicating serious corruption problems.

According to Rule of Law Index , the world is experiencing a decline in the functioning of justice systems. As Transparency International points out, "countries with the lowest scores on this index are also scoring very low on the CPI, highlighting a clear connection between access to justice and corruption. Both authoritarian regimes and democratic leaders who undermine justice contribute to increased impunity for corruption and, in some cases, even encourage it, removing consequences for evildoers."

Transparency International reports that it continues to lead the global fight against corruption. In the years leading up to 2030, he is dedicated to leading the global fight against corruption.

"Holding Power to Account" is a global strategy for the years 2021-2030, from Transparency International against Corruption. In an integrated manner with independent and affiliated national chapters in more than 100 countries and by the international Secretariat – Transparency International aims to contribute to a more positive future; a world in which power is held accountable to act without deviation, so that countries can achieve much more for the common good.



INTERNATIONAL TRANSPARENCY. 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index: Weakening justice systems leave corruption unchecked . Available at: < > Accessed on 09.Feb.2024.

INTERNATIONAL TRANSPARENCY. 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index . Available at: <> Accessed on 09.Feb.2024.

TERRA NETWORKS BRAZIL. Denmark is considered the least corrupt country for the 3rd time. Available at: <,8d46bc371101a410VgnCLD200000b2bf46d0RCRD.html?utm_source=clipboard > Accessed on 09.Feb.2024.

WJP RULE OF LAW INDEX. The Global Rule of Law Recession ContinuesAvailable at: <> Accessed on 15.fev.2024.


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